Background Image
League of Legends Champion BlitzcrankBlitzcrank is in the s tier of champions


Blitzcrank is a tankRoletank
Power SpikeEarly-Game
Mana Barrier abilityp
Rocket Grab abilityq
Overdrive abilityw
Power Fist abilitye
Static Field abilityr

Blitzcrank Build

based on 130,479 matches
Win Rate
51.2 %
Pick Rate
7.6 %
Ban Rate
27.5 %

How We Come Up with Our Blitzcrank Builds

We process over 1 Million League of Legends games every day to bring you the most accurate Blitzcrank build so you can destroy your enemies and improve you win rate. We've broken down our Blitzcrank builds by rank, position, and enemy team type, so you can find the most accurate set of Blitzcrank core items and runes for any situation.

Blitzcrank Build Summary

Blitzcrank is a good utility lane champ in League of Legends. His best rune sets are Inspiration Resolve. Incorporating the highlighted runes shown below in your Blitzcrank build will provide you the additional stats to help him play well through the laning phase of the match and into the late game. You should focus on building up his q ability first.

Best vsAll Build for Blitzcrank


Starter Items

Time Target
Control WardRelic Shield

Early Items

~5 Mins
Ruby CrystalMobility Boots

Core Blitzcrank Items

~22 Mins
EvenshroudKnight's VowFrozen HeartMobility Boots

Optional Items

Vigilant WardstoneRedemptionTurbo ChemtankDead Man's Plate

Summoner Spells

summonerflash summoner spell D
summonerteleport summoner spell F

Skill Order

First skill for Blitzcrank to level upq
Second ability for Blitzcrank to level upe
Last skill for Blitzcrank to max outw


InspirationGlacial AugmentHextech FlashtraptionBiscuit DeliveryCosmic Insight
ResolveFont of LifeBone Plating
Ability HasteMagic ResistMagic Resist
Blitzcrank's passive ability p
Blitzcrank's q ability q
Blitzcrank's w ability w
Blitzcrank's e ability e
Blitzcrank's ultimate ability r

Blitzcrank Matchups Overview

More Gameplay Tips for Blitzcrank Players

Tips and Tricks

If someone ganks you under tower, use Rocket Grab, Power Fist, and Static Field as a quick combo to make your opponent pay.

Blitzcrank performs better when he has teammates following him up; make sure you coordinate with your team before engaging.

Blitzcrank FAQs

Q: Can I build Blitzcrank with both AP and tanky items?

A: Yes. There are a number of good AP/tank items in League of Legends. However, in the current meta, Blitz is usually best when given CDR, tank, or other support items instead of additional AP. That is because his abilities have such long cooldowns that AP isn't very cost effective on him.

Q: Why does Blitzcrank always get banned in League of Legends?

A: Blitzcrank is often banned in LoL. This is especially true at lower ranks, such as Iron, Bronze, and Silver divisions. For inexperienced players that are caught out of position, Blitz can be devastating. Playing against Blitz (and other hook supports) requires players to constantly focus on their positioning. Some newbies just don't want to bother, so they ban Blitzcrank to avoid the hassle.

Q: How do you play Blitzcrank in the late game?

A: Your objective should be the same as most other supports: protect your carry. You should use your abilities to peel enemies off of your ADC or other carries during teamfights. You also will have the added task of engaging. If you can get a pick in the late game, you can turn the tide of battle in your teams favor. Just don't pull their tank.

Q: What is Blitz's greatest strength in LoL?

A: His hook is incredibly powerful and useful. It is the fastest hook in the game and allows you to pull champions to you even over obstacles. To maximize his strength, you should invest in cooldown reduction items in your Blitzcrank build.

Q: What is Blitzcrank's greatest weakness?

A: Blitzcrank has very long cooldowns, especially on his Q. If you miss your hook, you and your team will usually need to stand by until the timer refreshes. In lane, he faces the same issues. Don't miss you Q, and increase your CDR for you Blitz build.

Additional Blitzcrank Build Insights

League of Legends Blitzcrank players will likely find him to be a confusing character to build out properly. You will see that his build varies when he is fighting either diversified or highly focused team compositions, indicating you shouldn't take the same Blitzcrank build every single round of League of Legends

The most essential items to incorporate into your champion's build are: Evenshroud, Knight's Vow, and Frozen Heart. Those who included these items in their gear had a better winrate than players who utilized other item builds for Blitzcrank. Moreover, if you are trying to beat a well-mixed enemy team composition, you should really consider grabbing him the Inspiration, and Resolve runes. In recent matches, he won the largest percentage of his games when built with these runes.

We set our Blitzcrank build guidance by analyzing 130,479 recently ranked LoL matches with him in them. We only advise the top winrate Blitzcrank builds that have been used by ranked gamers enough times for us to reccomend them. With so many rounds in our dataset, we are very confident in our suggested builds.