The greatest champions globally to counter Jinx include Nidalee, Gragas, and Lee Sin. These picks are all good at countering Jinx with high win rates over 55%. Even if these Jinx counter picks are not chosen in the same position as you, it's not a good idea to play her into these matchups. They will most often destroy Jinx.
Yet, if the opposing team brings either Teemo or Fizz, Jinx mains should seriously think about choosing her, as she easily destroys these selections with win rates over 54% against each ofthem.
Exploit Jinx's Weak Early Game: Jinx has an atrocious early game, with minimal damage and high vulnerability to all-ins. It's advisable to take advantage of this phase, being aggressive and zoning her out of CS as much as possible, as she needs her core items to improve her effectiveness.
Look for All-ins: Jinx has no form of mobility and is highly susceptible to all-ins once her E is down. Keeping an eye out for this, and striking when her E is down, is a great way to set her back significantly.
Monitor Her Mana: Jinx's effectiveness decreases if she runs out of mana. This inability affects her Q rockets and her long-range CS ability, making it an opportune time to zone her off easily.
Avoid Extended Trades Post Early Game: Once Jinx advances past the early game, she becomes stronger and benefits from extended trades. It's important to avoid drawn-out battles with her at this stage.
Watch Out for Jinx's Level 6 Power Spike: Her level 6 is a significant power spike, allowing her to snipe kills from afar. Staying aware of this and being cautious around her during this stage can save you from unexpected casualties.
Limit Her Late Game Impact: Jinx excels in late-game fights, especially when she has her items. Her Passive lets her kite once activated, and she can use her range advantage to post significant threats. To counter this, ensure she does not get her items by killing and keeping her off the map as much as possible.
Positioning is Key: If Jinx starts to get ahead, positioning becomes crucial. Ensuring to stay grouped with your team to keep her at bay and focusing on picking off key targets will help you make a comeback against her. Avoid getting caught out alone as Jinx can push her advantage and finish the game.
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We comb through millions of League of Legends matches pulled directly from Riot Games servers each week to give you an advantage. We analyze the data using advanced algorithms to bring you the most accurate Jinx counters online. Having evaluated so many matches gives us lots of faith in our conclusions.
The Jinx counter matchups shown below include data from Silver+ tiers and champions in all positions. Click an individual Jinx matchup to see a detailed build, stats, and advice to win your next fight. You will also have the opportunity to further refine your tier selection.