Prioritize maxing Piercing Light as it's your primary ability for harassing the enemy lane champion.
Piercing Light also combos well with Lucian's passive Lightslinger, because casting an ability procs the passive causing him to attack a target twice.
LoL Lucian players may find him to be a challenging champ to build out properly. You will find that his build varies when he is up against either diversified or homogenous team compositions, meaning you should not take the same Lucian build every round of League of Legends
The best items to include in your champ's build include: Navori Quickblades, Guardian Angel, and The Collector. Players who added these items in their kits had a higher win rate than players who worked towards other item builds for Lucian. Likewise, if you are facing a well-mixed enemy team comp, you should really consider grabbing yourself the Precision, and Sorcery runes. In recent matches, he won the largest number of his games when equipped with these runes.
We calculated our Lucian build guidance by analyzing 108,118 recently ranked LoL rounds with him selected. We only advise the highest winrate Lucian builds that were built by ranked League players enough times for us to reccomend them. With so many rounds in our data, we are confident in our suggested builds.