Use Event Horizon to stun followed by Dark Matter on top of the enemy champion.
Purchase items that increase mana and reduce cooldown times.
Veigar is meant to burst down most champions in a single volley. He doesn't have good enough cool downs or AA potential to do anything else once he's struck his all-in. Don't miss!
Early on, focus primarily on farming up your AP. Minion kills with your Q (or any champion strikes with your abilities) will grant you more permanent AP. Don't waste your time posturing or harassing. Focus on building your AP exclusively until you hit level 6. If you do so, Veigar will be a huge threat once he gets his ultimate up to finish his combo.
Veigar can easily come from behind like a dark horse. If you get behind, focus on stacking your Q and farming to get back into the fight.
You should consider putting a few skill points into your CC early on. With just a single level, it usually doesn't hold them long enough for you to deal your full combo. Beyond 3 levels, there's diminishing returns for 1:1 fighting as you'll likely have already used your burst combo and the additional CC will be wasted. Only max you CC's duration towards the end to provide more support in teamfights.
Q: Can I build Veigar any other ways besides as a burst mage?
A: Yes. Veigar can do well also a tanky mage. He won't have the overwhelming threat of a burst mage, but his passive AP growth means he will still be able to deal decent damage while being able to last much better in combat.
League of Legends Veigar players will find him to be a difficult champion to build out properly. You'll find that his build changes when he is playing against either generic or specialized team compositions, indicating you should not follow the same Veigar build every round of League of Legends
The most essential items to incorporate into your champion's build are: Luden's Tempest, Seraph's Embrace, and Rabadon's Deathcap. Those who included these pieces in their builds had a greater winrate than players who worked towards other Veigar builds. Similarly, if you are battling a mixed enemy team composition, you should strongly consider getting yourself the Domination, and Sorcery runes. In recent matches, he won the greatest number of his rounds when equipped with these runes.
We set our Veigar build guidance by examining 104,836 recently ranked League matches with him in them. We only recommend the best winrate Veigar builds that have been built by ranked League players enough times for us to reccomend them. With so many games in our dataset, we are very confident in our recommended builds.